Jennifer Cowart
As the Christmas season would be upon us, preparing was so much fun. Before "unbreakable" ornaments were available, the Webb family tree was COVERED in magical glass bubbles. Each one reflected beautiful rainbows of color which gave the appearance of them getting ready to float away. All of the beauty in the decor was incredible, but what was MOST exciting was our annual trip to Eckerd Drugs.
Yep, dad always so pumped about preparing for the annual Webb Christmas party and we were too.
Going away gifts were an important part of my father's events. It is the final hug you can give your loved ones on their lway out of the door. It is a thank you for coming and allowing us to share in your stories, love, laughter, etc. Dad thoroughly enjoyed picking out the right gifts for his friends, so off to Eckerd's we went. We bought gift bags, ribbon, "special" exit awards, and other things. We giggled, snickered, and had joy in grabbing item and pouring them into the basket.
The party would always be so much fun. I loved hearing my dad laughing, being surrounded by his friends and clients he cared so much for. Then, one by one, the guests would prepare to head out, being greeted with a mountain of gift bags, where they can choose ANY one. Their faces resembled a child with his nose planted in the glass ready to attempt a claw game. As each guest made their choice, I imagined their faces as they opened their prizes seeing the Pepto Bismol, Gas X, Tylenol, Kleenex, Preparation H, Tucks Pads, Lubriderm Lotion, Tums, Beano, and more.
Pop, I miss you, but you are here in our hearts. I love you Daddio! Merry Christmas!
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Jennifer Cowart
When I was little, my dad used to make the moment we would see each other real dramatic and fun. He would encourage me to venture out about 50 ft. from him, position myself, take off running as fast as I could, and throw myself at him in a huge embrace. This went on until highschool. The last time I did it, I heard and felt the air forced out of his lungs and his voice was a couple of pitches higher for about 30 seconds. We laughed and he grimaced a little. I knew he would let me do that forever; it was our special thing! He was fully prepared to take whatever I threw at him, literally, to preserve our tradition. I imagine that's how it will go the next time I see him. Get ready Pop, I hope you are doing some crunches!?
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Kent Schaffer
28 years ago my then wife and I saw Eugene for 3 sessions. He told us you can come see me three days per week for two years and pay me a small fortune and I would give you a 10% chance of success.
I filed for divorce a few days later and never looked back.
He was a truly great and honest man.
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Shana Guidroz Turner
I met Webb 20 years ago. I became his patient around 23 years old. He helped guide me through getting married and losing a child. I never had enough money to pay him, so months after appointments with him, I would call him and tell him I hid some cash for him in the plant in his waiting office. One of my favorite sessions with Webb was when he fell asleep while I was talking. It was 3:00 and he had just finished having lunch which consisted of all Whole Foods samples. I also remember when he was out of town on a "special mission from Bill Clinton." I must have called and listened to that recording just to laugh 50 times. I started to look forward to him being out of town so I could hear the hilarious reasons why and wonder how many people believed his somehow believable stories. I loved that he gave me signed copies of all his books, and I love that he also would give other people books, from other authors and sign said author's signature so the new book owner would be even more excited. There were times when I didn't need therapy but missed Webb so much, I would call and see if he would meet me at Starbucks just to hang out. He would. I always believed I had to be his favorite young patient. (Because you know, I was in my 20s and full of myself.) One day I called Webb and heard the news on his answering machine that he had retired. I was so crushed that I set up a session with his officemate and we (or I) cried and laughed at Webb stories and Webb pranks and things I knew he told me that were bs, but got me through the hardest times. I still have all of the notecards he wrote out for me. Five months ago, my 18 year old son died. I can't tell you how many times I said out loud, "I wish I had Webb here to talk to." Last week I found the wedding invitation I had for Webb, but forgot to mail to him. Two days later someone, completely out of the blue, who I didn't even know saw Webb, told me about this page. Even though I was just a client, I believe Webb wanted to tell me Hello and know he is still a part of my life and is with my son who I had countless sessions about how to raise. Love you Webb, and please take care of my boy.
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John Barone
Soon after we said goodbye to Eugene, Marty experienced some "couldn't be coincidence" appearances and behaviors of squirrels, and saw these as a way that Gene might be communicating his presence and continued love.
Marty's sharing that story with us was an amazing gift, because the natural process of more and more time going by between thoughts of the departed was arrested by this association.
I see squirrels all the time, probably everyday, scampering through the oaks in my backyard, chasing one another playfully through the grounds of Strake Jesuit, darting back and forth avoiding traffic. Is it the spirit of Gene manifesting his presence? I don't know. What I do know is that now, every time I see a squirrel, I think of Gene, and am thankful to have another opportunity to express my love. "Good Morning, Gene!" as I sip my morning coffee in the backyard. "I miss you, friend," as I walk from the parking lot at SJ to my office," and "Be careful, Gene!" as the squirrel darts into the road in front of me on my way through the neighborhood.
Squirrels will always be with us, and so will Eugene. What a tremendous blessing.
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Kathryn batey
My Italian father believed family was everything. He was intelligent, fun, educated, and loving. None of us questioned him. I was going to have 7 or 8 children; well 8 seemed a little excessive but 7 would be fine. I could not wait to start my family.
Birth control in the trash when David and I got engaged. The first year of our marriage we had sex like bunnies! Everything was possible. Our second year, we planned, studied my calendar, researched getting pregnant, and tried all sorts of contortionist positions. The third year, which extended into the fourth year, was horrid! We endured all kinds of painful humiliating tests, including daily hormone shots directly in my stomach, in vitro fertilization, and those were the days of sex on demand. No more wine and roses; this was serious. Don’t let anyone convince you that is fun! However, we would have tried anything. We would have coordinated with the phases of the moon, passed a dirty dishcloth over my pelvis, or hung a chicken neck from … well maybe not that.
Nothing! I cried all the time. I saw pregnant women and I cried. I saw commercials with babies and I cried. The Disney channel family episodes made me cry hysterically. There were boxes of tissue in every room of the house, in the cars, and two boxes at work.
It was David who suggested we go see Gene. We made an appointment. I cried. David sat mute. I unloaded everything on Gene. Then finally, I screamed, “I feel like a failure! Why can’t I get pregnant? Something is wrong with me!”
Gene spoke, “MAYBE IT IS HIS FAULT!” He pointed at David. David who had not uttered a single word looked thunderstruck. His eyes grew to the size of dinner plates as he stared back at the two of us and began to stutter. Within seconds, Gene and I simultaneously burst into peals of uproarious laughter and poor David knew he had been had. Gene was joking. The crying was over. Now we could talk.
Gene had many gifts, but I truly believe his sense of humor coupled with his spirituality was his greatest. You must know your audience and have impeccable timing. He had both. His humor could ease my pain, help me understand, enlighten me, motivate me, but best of all his humor could move me to CHANGE. Do you know how truly unusual that ability is? The ability, through laughter, to get someone to change. Think about it. Really think about it!
The fertility doctor had dumped us after almost two years and all our savings in his pocket. Gene sent us home with notecards. He told us to be nice to one another, to laugh all the time, to love one another, to have unplanned sex, and to buy some Blue Bell ice cream.
We started to enjoy one another again and in 45 days, I was pregnant. After I told David, together we called Gene. He laughed and said, “Blue Bell ice cream works every time!”
That night, we polished off the last of the Blue Bell ice cream, eating straight from the carton. We raised our spoons high, toasted and saluted Gene Webb our friend, our savior,
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Kathryn batey
We were married a year. It was Saturday and David was gone hunting. I was cleaning the house. My OCD mother’s program was still intact. Life was good. I was happier than I can ever remember being. Then I found it! Clear undeniable evidence that my husband was seeing someone else. The note was sweet and funny. They obviously had an inside joke. The note was signed.
I felt physically sick. The first betrayal is not the act of going out with another, or the intimacy that you are not a part. It is not even being left out that hurts. No! The first betrayal is the LIE. How was it I did not know? How was it that my husband had found time in his full schedule to see someone behind my back? Did he lie to me about where he was going? I had introduced them and now my husband was sneaking behind my back for a rendezvous. No telling how many times they had met and when. Did they meet during the day? Was he taking time off work? In a panic, I called Gene from work on Monday morning for an emergency appointment. I hid the note in my purse hoping David did not miss it. I took the note I found with me to my appointment. I was angry and hurt. Why did my husband need someone else? Why couldn’t he talk to me? Was our relationship in trouble? Was I not good enough?
As soon as I was in the office with Gene, I pulled the index card out of my purse. I tried to control my anger and my voice. I WANTED TO KNOW HOW LONG HE HAD BEEN SEEING MY HUSBAND BEHIND MY BACK AND IF MY MARRIAGE WAS IN TROUBLE? I wanted to know David's complaints. Gene instructed me to talk to David. He smiled and said, "Some things are not about you" and the only issue he knew about concerning us centered around the dishwasher. Gene sent me home to talk to David and that night for the first time we discussed his upbringing: his abusive father, the constant yelling and arguments in his home, and his great fear that he did not know how to be a father or parent. My macho husband who was a brilliant engineer, loved hunting, and could fix any car made, had begun a journey of healing his battered heart. That day, I left Gene’s office with an index card of my own. It had a funny heart on the corner and it said – "THERE IS NOT A RIGHT WAY TO LOAD A DISHWASHER!". I know I should not feel this way, but I still feel index cards are basically EVIL!
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Isabelle Shepard Ait-Chalalet
I just found out about Eugene. I want to share what I wrote about Eugene after my talk with him in May 2015. I could tell from his striking blue eyes that Eugene knew something about life. I wanted to know what the sage knew, to extract a piece of his wisdom. He looked as though he had discovered the secret to navigate life. And when he looked at me, he behaved like he knew nothing about it! But this nothing revealed a voracious curiosity I noticed in his eyes. “What is your philosophy on life?” I asked. Eugene went silent… His wife repeated the question back to him. Silence. Am I too nosy? “No, no, you’re right up his alley, go and sit next to him,” Marty said. I did. The softness in Eugene's eyes reassured me. “What do you want to know?” he asked. I leaned toward him and repeated, “What is your philosophy of life?” His striking blue eyes turned the instant into infinitude. Silence. Suddenly, his eyes flooding my mind with counsels I did not want to waste. I had no pen and paper! “Wait” I said, “I need something to write, this is too profound.” I grabbed a napkin, Marty handed me a pen. Then…. No…. I thought…. He forgot. The sage looked at me wondering about our conversation, “tell me what do you want to hear?” How do I make my way back to the question? He did. “I am a simple man” he continued, “A simple man who lives simply, nothing fancy, I live in a state of curiosity. It is to find out what belongs to you and what belongs to others. We‘re called to discover ourselves and to enhance that for the rest of our lives. It’s not about what someone else ought to be. It is about discovering yourself and the commitment to enhance all that we are in that reality. So make a commitment to live your unique self regardless of what it requires. Failing to do that will result in despair." - Eugene
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kathryn Batey
We were young, in love and married and life was perfect! We said our goodbyes to Gene who smiled that iconic smile of his. He hugged us both and said, “See you later.” I should have known.
"Later" was during our fourth month of marriage. We had divided up the chores. I did the laundry, grocery shopping and cooking. David took care of anything mechanical and yard maintenance. He managed our finances. Soon he figured out that regardless of my magna cum laude degree, I was not earning as much as any man he knew. My salary was 1/3 of our combined income which translated to only 1/3 of the say in our marriage! What? He began leaving his dirty clothes everywhere and not including me in major decisions. I was back in Gene’s office. Hello AGAIN! I poured out the problem. Gene smiled and said David did not understand money. He said most people think that Money is Power! They are wrong. Money is freedom. It is freedom from worry, from want, from work, but it is not power. Knowledge is power! If you have knowledge, you have all sorts of power. "Why does David love you?", he asked. One reason was my cooking. David could not boil water. We came up with a plan.
The next morning, David commented that it appeared I hadn't finished making the bed. He left for work before he heard me say I had made 1/3 of the bed. That evening, he inquired about supper, I told him this was not a night I was going to cook. The month had 30 days and I was responsible for 10 days of cooking and I had already exceeded my responsibility for the month. David beat his chest, stomped his feet, and transformed into a walking gorilla! Right before he left the house, he growled, "WHAT WILL I EAT? I WILL STARVE. I MARRIED A CRAZY LADY!"
I loved Gene! Knowledge was power! I knew David could not cook at all. If he wanted to eat, we would be equal partners! He acquiesced as soon as he returned home. The dirty clothes were an even easier matter. I washed all the clothes in the hamper and left all the rest. When he complained he couldn't find something clean, I jumped up and checked the empty hamper. I said sweetly, "Well, the hamper is empty, therefore my job is done." He got the message. I never had to complain that his clothes were all over the house again.
I passed another Webb-ism on to all my children and friends. Money is freedom! Knowledge is power! Never forget that one. It is powerful – chuckle.
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Kathryn Batey
By 1977, my "starter" marriage had ended in divorce, and I had survived two awful relationships. Driving my second convertible home, a white van suddenly changed lanes in front of me so quickly I almost hit it. Not to be out done, I changed lanes, signaled and pulled in front of him. I gave him my favorite FINGER so he would understand how I felt about his driving. I looked in my rear view mirror and the fool was laughing. Then he took my same exit, following me and smiling and waving. He was kind of cute. He kept smiling, waving, and following me at a distance. Finally home, I leashed my dog and went outside to see if I had lost him. I had, but he had left a note on my windshield. That was how I met David.
Like most men, he was reluctant to see a therapist. At our first couples session, David swore he only was there to please me but then he spotted Gene's guitar. Gene offered to let him play. David played Desperado and sang loudly for building occupants to come and see about the commotion. After Gene defended David, saying he should charge them for listening, they became instant friends. David's growing up was so traumatic that he vowed to never marry. Gene taught me that there are no perfect people and that we all come with baggage. After months of exclusive dating, Gene asked David if he loved me. David said he loved me more that he had ever loved anyone; even his favorite dog DUM-DUMB but he was NOT getting married, EVER! Gene told him he understood and David left.
I loved David, and I thought Gene would change David's mind. Instead, Gene told me I had to let David go. He said you can NOT change him but you can change the locks on your house, change your phone number, and never speak to him again. He wrote me one of those dreaded index cards that said, "Remember locks work from the inside". I was devastated. I bravely asked David to take his belongings out of my home. He did and I cried. I changed the locks and my phone number, and refused to take his calls at work.
After a month David wanted to see me again. NO WAY! He'd left his guitar at my house and I delivered it to Gene. David would hide in the bush next to my front door so he could talk to me after my date left. One night he begged me to at least talk to him. I told him to come back when it was light. I had no idea he would come back at the "butt crack of dawn" to talk. What he said shocked me. "So do you want to get married or what?" We were married three months later. Gene was there with half of Houston. He gave David several index cards and a thumbs up. At the end of the ceremony, when the priest introduced us to the congregation, Gene yelled out "Yahoo!" This prompted every other male present, including our priest, to join in dancing and shouting congratulations. We were married 17 years when David died.
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Kathryn Batey
It was early in my 45 year relationship with Gene, but I already knew he was gifted. If you have been a client of his, you know you want to share him with everyone you know who is broken. I referred many people to him over the years and I returned often for help. On this particular day as we concluded I brought up a problem with my FRIEND. She was smart, had a good future, but she was in an abusive relationship, verbally abusive and recently physically. What could I do to MAKE her come to see him and MAKE her talk about this so they could address the problem?
Gene told me about an article he read some time ago about children who were being taught to read. It was interesting to him because the author spoke of "reading readiness". He told me that the children were all about the same age and were exposed to the alphabet, phonetics, picture books, everything to enhance literacy, hoping they would make the connection and learn to read. The researchers could not figure out the exact moment that the child made the connection or what sparked the child to begin reading. It just happened. He told me to give my friend his number and information. He said she will need to decide for herself to come see me.
He cautioned that I could not make her come. He asked, "Did you tell her the abuse would get worse? Because I will tell her that the abuse is going to get worse. Did you tell her this man needs help? I will tell her she is in danger and needs to exit this relationship. I will tell her not to wait. I will tell her to call the police when he hits her again. But she will not listen to me, just like she is not listening to you. She will have to get to the point of LEAVING READINESS. She is not there yet. Tell her to be careful and not wait!"
The following week I called the police. My boyfriend was arrested, I filed a restraining order. I was bruised, had hand prints on both arms, a busted lip, and a large knot on the front of my forehead where it was slammed into the sheetrock in my bedroom. The wall needed repair and paint. My boyfriend said it was my fault for making him angry and arguing with him. When I called the police, I was READY!
Reading readiness was a good analogy for me. Maybe Gene did not save the world but he saved me again.
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Kathryn Batey
My divorce was final, I was 28 and 1/2. My weekly sessions from 1973 were now over. I was confident, young, and free. Gene was responsible for my cocky confidence and even my belief that anything was possible. It was late in 1977 and I had just purchased my first NEW car and my first convertible. My parents were upset. This was not a practical car, it would leak when it rained, it would be noisy, it was not what a single young lady should drive, etc! That was the subject of the last session with Gene. He listened. He always REALLY listened and he heard what I did not say. He then encouraged me to buy the car. He gave me that smile of his and sent me packing. We both knew I was going to be okay I left his office and ordered my car, a 1978 Hunter Green MGB with spoked wheels, a black top and loaded. My mother's only comment was at least it is not red! It took months for the car to arrive but my happiness and sense of freedom was overwhelming. It was my life after all! August 1978, it was a sunny hot day, the top was down and my hair was flying as I drove leisurely down the Southwest Freeway. The sheer joy and contentment were old friends now and I was truly happy. Yes, you guessed what came next: the crash. A drunk driver swerved into my lane hitting my vehicle on the right front wheel, sending me spinning across four lanes of traffic where I was hit repeatedly by other vehicles. Six vehicles, plus the drunk who left the scene, and my car were involved in the crash. The police came, ambulances, and someone got the license and description of the fleeing drunk driver. My first call from the hospital while they worked on my left leg was to Gene Webb. The shock was that he answered and I did not have to leave a message. I cried. No: I sobbed and sounded like the biggest blubbering crybaby ever. All I could say was "my car, my beautiful car, my dream car!" When I took a breath, Gene asked if I was okay. My knee was hurt, minor surgery. but I was going to be okay. Then he asked if anyone else was hurt. No one else was hurt. Then he said, "You need to remember this. THERE IS NO CRYING OVER SOMETHING THAT CAN NOT CRY OVER YOU!" Gene continued, "You can buy another car, and you can decide who you are and what makes you feel free. You are in charge. You are still in charge of your life and your freedom". A few days later I got an index card in the mail that said, "In case you forget: THERE IS NO CRYING OVER SOMETHING THAT CAN NOT CRY OVER YOU!" I carried that card for years in my wallet. In 1992 when A League of Their Own came out at the theaters, I called Gene to ask if Tom Hanks was a patient of his? It was obvious he had stolen Gene's line when he said in the movie, "THERE IS NO CRYING IN BASEBALL!" Gene laughed and said his patient list was confidential. I have used his line over and over again with my children. I gave him credit, calling it a Gene-ism but after a while they would finish my sentence.
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Kathryn Batey
By this time in my life, Gene and I were old friends. We had moved on from my original reason for seeking out a counselor to the more petrified, mundane problems I felt reluctant to tackle. However, I had tried the techniques Gene had suggested for at least two full weeks on ONE problem with no results. I was back in my comfortable chair while he watered his plants and I was wondering what pearls of wisdom I would get today. I dumped everything out. Nothing was working. Everything was the same. I was trying, but no one else in my life was trying. MY LIFE WAS DUNG! Gene gave me one of those sideways looks. You know, that " I am not buying this!" look of his. Then he continued to water his plants, as he said rather slowly, like an experienced gun fighter, "Who told you that life was going to be easy?" Not to be outdone, I fired back, "You did!". I knew it was a lie, but let me see him get out of this one. He never argued with me, or with anyone that I ever saw, so what would he say next? Gene said, "When did you start coming to see me?" I replied proudly, "1973!". Gene said, "Well, that explains it! I had just begun my practice and I was wrong about some things back then. Sorry. However, I have everything figured out now! Life does not make sense. Life is not going to be easy! Do you want me to put that on an index card? I can do that so you don't forget it!". Silence. He grinned. I sulked. "NO."
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Alessandra Zamora
I have no words to express my gratitude for having been part of the spiritual journey that Gene and Marty have taught us.
The purest nature of the human heart is embedded in Gene's love for life and the world around him. Thank you for bringing us to the awareness of death, life and all of human experiences. I have no more than to wish one day, I might give to others with such abundant love and wisdom.
Love always,
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Justin Fox
Another of my favorite Gene stories happened on December 18, 1997 aboard a Continental airplane that Gene, Marty and I were flying from Houston to Washington, D.C. to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Kevin Rudolph (Marty's son) as a new Special Agent of the FBI in Quantico, VA. During the middle of our flight, Marty returned to her seat next to Gene and me in some distress, telling us that her new wristwatch had somehow fallen into an unflushed toilet which she had just used in the rest room. Being the loyal sibling that I am, I immediately volunteered to attempt to retrieve her watch. Upon entering the rest room, armed only with a pair of latex gloves I obtained from a flight attendant, I spotted the watch, deftly grabbed it in my right hand, and proceeded to pull it out of the toilet. However, in my successful retrieval operation, I incurred a small cut on my hand from the razor-sharp edge of the toilet flap. Thereupon, the rest room lavatory served a dual useful purpose by cleaning all the foreign matter from Marty's watch, as well as all the blood from my hand wound. Upon triumphantly returning to my seat to present Marty with her watch, I also sheepishly advised her and Gene of my WIA status. Then a Continental flight attendant handed me a "Customer Incident Report," which I perfunctorily filled out by listing my name, address, flight number, time of the incident, briefly described how I had incurred "a superficial, one-inch cut on my right hand", and affixed my signature at the bottom of the form. Before I returned the report to the Continental attendant, Gene asked to review it. I complied, knowing him to be an excellent wordsmith. Thereupon, Gene made these edits: First, he spiced up the report by placing the following introductory words on my narrative of the incident: "It was a dark and stormy flight!" Then he penned the following addendum: "I am now experiencing a growing numbness in my right hand and wrist, and a well-defined red line is slowly moving up my arm. I feel nauseated, some dizziness, and a slight cramping in my elbow - making it very difficult to reach for my wallet wherein I keep handy my lawyer's telephone number. Further reports to follow. Cordially, Justin Fox."
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Justin Fox
In 2000, Jean Fox, mother of Marty and me, was a resident at The University Place Nursing Home in Houston. Gene and Marty would faithfully visit every Sunday morning. Gene would spend at least one hour entertaining the residents by playing nice, old, sing-along tunes on the piano in the dining room. Gene was a remarkable musician and learned to play the piano by ear. Anyway, on one particular Sunday after Gene had played piano nonstop for over 30 minutes, he paused, turned around on the piano bench and started to engage the residents in some small talk. However, a cranky old Irish lady resident apparently did not approve of this and interrupted Gene by yelling from the back of the room: "Hey! More music and less talking!" Gene immediately chuckled, ceased his dialogue, and resumed playing songs to the delight of the Irish woman, our Mom, and the rest of the residents!
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Sharon Cummings
I met Gene when we moved into the neighborhood in 2001. Our twins were babies. Gene came over, and we all introduced ourselves and visited for a while. We talked about what kind of work we did and where we worked. Gene said he was a family counselor who “specialized in working with parents of twins.” I liked him instantly! Gene and I had so many nice conversations over the years across the chain link fence or while I was walking my dogs. I enjoyed Gene’s garden, especially the passion flowers, butterflies, firecracker plant, and wildflowers. Gene was a great neighbor.
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Peter Johnston
Webb. I heard that name a thousand times before I ever met him. My wife, Weezie, often spoke of how a simple word from Webb had re-anchored her life. When she suggested that I might find him to be helpful, I shrugged it off, being the hard nut that I am. He was nothing like I imagined him to be, and he cracked me within the first 30 minutes - made me laugh hard at myself and my situation. After reading all of the tributes to Webb this morning, I was reminded of what my Sunday School teacher told our class years ago: "Every once in a while, we meet someone so wonderful that we come away with only one thought - I want more of that!" Thank you, Webb, for making the time to be all that you are to each of us.
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Beverly Svoboda
I share this story on behalf of the very loyal friends and members of Gene's Fan Club...on the evening of May 1, 2018. Neal Sarahan, Colleen Russo, Tara Devine and Beverly Svoboda gathered with Marty to reflect upon our memories of Gene. We laughed and cried throughout the evening. We embraced Marty with our love and felt Gene's presence among us. As the scribe, it is an honor to share these thoughts on behalf of the group.
Neal's reflection - "I noticed at Silverado, the caregivers were good at honoring what Gene was doing in the moment. Gene would walk about, wandering into different rooms and receive frequent re-direction from the staff, running into a lot of definite "no's". It could be frustrating, and yet Gene would accept this with humor. I admire his graceful acceptance; the staff knew that Gene was doing the best he could."
Tara's reflection -- "Gene didn't have the bullshit factor!" Gene and I had a lot of no words connections. Connections with Gene usually meant there was a recognition of something good that was happening".
Colleen's reflection -- "At my exit party from The Monarch School, Gene noticed the baby in the crowd, who was fretting and unhappy. He sat next to the child, talked with the child. It did not take long for the baby to calm down and be at peace. At another time, I recalled that at a Monarch event, Gene went to sit with the young girl playing the piano. He treasured these moments of guietly spending time with others at their level.
Beverly's reflection -- "My husband, Danny, a Vietnam veteran, will never forget Gene's sincere gratitude for his military service. There were many times when Gene's quiet, heartfelt expression was perhaps the most important words spoken that evening.
Group Reflection - "Remember our canoe trip!" And the memories flowed...
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John Hardesty
Gene was always so gracious and grateful and was never shy about complimenting people. Here is a note I received from Gene in the mail from Gene after a concert in 2013.
"John! What a delightful and inspiring concert you and Tony created and shared with us this past Thursday evening! Once again we were all enchanted by a phenomenon that is almost beyond language and yet so central to our lives. My own favorite term for this bilateral magic is "the experience of partnering". And I think of it most often in terms of relationships we create in our walk through life and especially that of bonding in creative relationships and marriage. The process is the same! It's a willingness to participate, assuming mutual responsibility, attending to another's voice, striving for mutual support, courage to take initiative, cherishing harmony, honoring stylistic differences, creating the music of togetherness. Thank you for this magical experience."
Gene and Marty Webb
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Melanie Potter
My very first time to get a glimpse of Gene was at my bridal shower. I didn't really know him then but Marty,who was my matron of honor, gave me a beautiful gown, and when I told her how much I liked it, she told me Gene had picked it out and said something to the effect that Gene said this is Melanie. Honestly, I didn't know how to respond and was a little embarrassed. But it was a lovely gown and I wore it for years. I still have it though it is not as pretty now as when I received it. So that was my "introduction” to Gene...indirectly.
These past several years Marty and Gene attended several of our family get-togethers, my retirement party, and Bruce and my 25th Wedding Anniversary. Gene was changing before our very eyes but always celebrated the occasion. Of course, his struggle became more challenging this last year or so. Visits with him were different, but each time I would look into his eyes, he was still so there. His spirit would rally, even if for just brief moments, and he always had something to say. He was still telling stories or sharing his views. Truly, Gene never gave up and if I really listened, I would see him and know he was there. Gene was not gone and the horrible disease that tried to squash his mind, spirit, and soul couldn’t conquer him.
The last time I spent visiting Gene, was during Marty's hip revision surgery in January 2018, when many friends and family took turns being with him at Silverado for meals. I am happy that I was able to offer that assistance for Marty and for Gene. I helped him with his dinner and we talked a little and his eyes were alive and his spirit clearly was there. It was an honor and a pleasure to be able to be with him and to give him and Marty support, even if in a small way.
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Sylvia Pabreza
I began hearing about Gene Webb many years before meeting him in 2010 and had enjoyed several inspiring Christmas messages, so I was prepared to be wowed when I stayed with Marty and Gene that weekend of the CCCS reunion. His warmth and humor did not disappoint as I was introduced to the Webb family ritual of changing into pjs at 7:30 pm for a relaxed and comfy Friday night dinner. It was quickly apparent that Marty and Gene were loving soulmates, but not in a sappy kind of way. I wish I could remember more specific snips of conversation, but I do remember the overall feeling of being in the presence of someone who didn’t mind throwing you a little off kilter and bringing you into the here and now- getting to the heart of the matter right away. I appreciate that connection, the tour of the flower gardens around the house and the book of his poems I keep in the stack on my bedside table.
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Ann Smith
Gene could have been a Marvil Comic superhero. Deciding on his costume would have been difficult... should it be a cape, a suit jacket, a gardening hat, a baseball cap, bicycle helmet, waders or fly fishing vest? So many costumes to meet so many different super powers.... always a patient, open, empathetic ear, a soft voice, a gene-ism to take with you in life when you hit those bumpy roads, a seriously funny dry wit, a huge heart and always always a unique infectious Gene chuckle. We miss you, Gene, and all your super powers!
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Elaine Eichelberger
Dearest Gene, there are too many gratitude moments to even list. You guided me as a young mother in ways that helped make my adult kids the incredible humans that they are today. You listened caringly and encouraged me to to trust my gut. I owe you and Marty so much for the positive way that you both influenced our lives. I wish that we could be with your family at your PARTY to celebrate your incredible life but we will definitely be with you in spirit. Peace and love and God’s grace to all of you, Elaine
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Sam Caldarera
I first met Gene in the 70's. My family and his became friends and we traveled with Gene, Doug and Jennifer on two ski trips. Gene quickly picked up the sport and demonstrated his physical agility with a big smile as he went flying down the slopes passing me as I was attempting to get up from my latest fall. We all traveled well and I was impressed with his relationship with Jennifer and Doug. They were open with each other and talked out their issues. As the years passed, Gene's reputation as a therapist and teacher grew. I was working at Family Service Center and the staff wanted Gene to conduct a training session. So, I asked Gene and he was happy to present his ideas on how to use humor in therapy, a topic at which Gene was highly adapt. To say the least, he was a success. As time passed, we socialized and talked about our latest interests. Gene played guitar and I had taken up the instrument. He told me about his performance of "Itsy Bitsy Spider," his favorite tune to impress his listeners.
Then I went into private practice and found an office across the hall from where Gene and his fellow therapists had their offices. I heard many of Gene's creative interventions when we would met with Gene and his office mates. He had a way of presenting his ideas that seemed to come from left field, that I didn't always understand, but cut to the core of clients' issues and were very helpful. I think the week long training he spent with Milton Erickson, M.D., a hypnotherapist, really had an impact on him. He told me that it was a great training and said he and the other attendees were in a trance the entire week and didn't remember a thing. But Gene got what Erickson was teaching. Several years later our office building was sold and we all had to find new offices. Lucky for me I went with Gene and Irv Wyble, Gene's long time friend and we shared a suite for many years. Maybe nineteen years or so. During that time I talked with Gene often. He would wander into my office and we would talk philosophy, therapy, cosmology, the meaning of life, what was going on in our lives, whatever. Gene could discuss any subject and enjoyed pondering subjects that came to mind. He had developed the art of pondering to a high degree and I could tell this was one of the many talents that made him such a successful therapist. I sent friends and relatives to Gene for therapy and they all found what he offered very helpful and praise him to this day.. After we split up, I really missed the time I spent talking with Gene. Since he has passed, I can picture him looking at me with that smile and imagine him saying "Amigo", (for that is what he often called me), "Amigo, from where I am, I now know the answers to all those questions we discussed." And his smile grew bigger. As long as I can imagine, I will have Gene close by, and in time will join him in his new home.
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Anita Woods and Victor Lamanuzzi
To miss Gene Webb profoundly, as so many of us do, is to have loved and enjoyed him just as profoundly. We cannot think of Gene without smiling, shaking our heads in admiration, or laughing out loud at the many memories of the 25 years spent as neighbors. How fortunate we have been to enjoy birthday get-togethers and other outings with our little corner of Sun Valley, always enhanced by Gene’s sense of humor and joy in the moment. For so many of us, seeing Gene and Marty working in their gardens sent the message that “all’s right with the world”. We enjoyed time together in Urban Harvest classes and trips to Buchanan’s “to get in trouble” spending money on more plants. Gene’s reputation for mischief preceded our move to Sun Valley. Our Sun Valley home came with a pristine goldfish pond in the backyard. The previous owner, Rodney, openly “warned” us about sneaky Gene when he told the tale of Gene slipping into the yard “when the sun ain’t up” and placing a big old ugly catfish in the quiet waters. If you think the goldfish might have been surprised, Rodney was shocked to see the huge monster in the little pond. After queries were put out, it appears Gene proudly fessed up. Gene’s ease with people and 45 years of experience as a psychotherapist manifested in his being one of the best listeners we have ever known. When he did choose to speak, we all listened — because he was always thoughtful, insightful, kind, calming, and funny. His generous spirit was always on display. And what a great love story Gene and Marty demonstrated. He wrote a book of love poems for Marty, and as long as Gene could speak, he called Marty his “beloved”. Gene’s gifts of the heart were many, and there is much to miss with his absence (except the catfish). But in so many ways, his presence permeates our everyday lives, and that is good. We may not get his gumbo seasoning or fresh squeezed orange juice anymore, but we do have his enduring love and friendship held in our memories.
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Diane English
As a young girl I always looked forward to his visits. He seemed to be somewhat of a "celebrity" in the family. He always shared his wit with that dry humor that resulted in infectious laughter. He truly made me feel special and in the hardest times in my life, he would offer his wisdom and encouragement. Unknown to me until now, he was also helping my son get through the same difficult time. I will forever be thankful for his influence and his love.
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Janet Ireland
Gene: this is Janet. I want you to know that my life was better because of you. I always looked forward to our meetings when I couldn't talk fast enough or listen hard enough! Your wisdom in counseling helped me twenty years ago and is still helping today. Thank you for being so uniquely YOU! And by the way, I still have my stack of handwritten note cards just in case I start to forget your teaching. As "they" say...be calm and carry on. Love, Janet
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Winnie the Pooh
"Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold rather a large amount of gratitude."
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Grier Patton
Gene was a big supporter of the Monarch School where Marty and he were co-founders and Marty was the head of school. Gene's support of Marty and the school were a critical component of the founding of the school and its success. Thank you Gene for your friendship, encouragement and support. You cannot be replaced.
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Taylor Cowart
Mom, Dad, and I were all over at Grandaddy and Grandmommy’s house. Grandaddy said he wanted to show me something but I couldn’t tell anyone. He brought me back to his room and revealed a beautiful foosball table that he planned to give to the Webb kids when they arrived later that evening. He told me it was my job to keep them out of the captains quarters until he was ready to surprise them. I remember being so happy that he trusted me with this huge secret but also nervous because I didn’t want to let him down. About an hour later my cousins arrived and I could feel the butterflies, fueled by excitement, fluttering in my stomach. As we ran around the house playing, I made sure to redirect them away from the master bed room the whole time. I was so proud of myself and I knew Grandaddy was going to be proud as well. After a while, we started trying to think of a new game to play. I suggested that we look for Bruiser, their cat. Everyone agreed it was a great idea. As I ran toward the front play room I realized that the rest of the group was running directly toward the forbidden room. I quickly panicked and tried everything I could to redirect them once more. My cousins threw open the door and were amazed by the sparking foosball table. Immediately they started playing. I was crushed and started to cry. I knew Grandaddy was going to be so angry with me. My stomach dropped when I saw him turn the corner. I braced myself for a scolding but it never came. Grandaddy forgave me for accidentally spoiling the secret and said that it was about time to show them anyway. I was stunned but also thankful that he was so caring and understanding. He always was.
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Lee Kuhl
Eugene was so compassionate and committed not only to his clients but everyone around him. I know that he was heartbroken that he had to retire. He loved life to the fullest and had an unending love for those whom he held dear. I still have all of his cards neatly secure in my nightstand. I still hear his voice in my head, and his beautiful laugh, and often share his Webbisms with my chronic pain group. So, in a way, his wisdom has been shared with thousands across the globe as my group enjoys his Webbisms and I share how much he helped us. He will live within all of us whom he has touched for as long as we all live and beyond. We would not be the people we are if we haven't been blessed to have met Eugene.
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Patricia Eagle
(excerpt from my memoir about my work with Gene)
“What is it you most want to work on together?” Gene, my new therapist, puts the onus of our time spent in counseling sessions on me.
For the past seven years, when I tried to sort through my memories of abuse, I could barely function as a stepmother, a wife, or a teacher. I could not function as a human who needed to do laundry, start a grocery list, put together lesson plans, make sense of a teen son, or keep a marriage together. After four counselors, a couple of psychiatrists, two incest support groups, then five years without therapy, I’m finally back for help.
Gene is an Einstein look-alike, peering out over the top of silver-rimmed glasses, a mop of gray hair on top, and a bushy moustache hovering over his upper lip. His is a face that has worn many smiles. A tattered puppet hangs from the ceiling, a leg and an arm lifted higher, the character caught in motion. Already I sense a long, successful working relationship with this chap.
. . . In answer to Gene’s question about what I most want to work on, I tell him what keeps me up at night right now is how to communicate in a thesis what I’m gleaning from my research.
“Wonderful,” he answers without hesitation, standing up and dragging out an easel with a flip tablet on it. “That’s the perfect place to start. Let’s make a list of what you have learned.”
I’m in awe that this guy has an easel handy and appears so enthusiastic about my research and thesis. Immediately I feel ok with my previously questionable decision to see a male instead of a female therapist, even though Gene was highly recommended by a female colleague.
For the next six months I meet with Gene every other week, gaining an enormous amount of clarity about my work with teachers, students, and myself. He expertly puts a spin on everything with a witty sense of humor that helps me lighten up and see more clearly where I have been, while simultaneously prompting me to consider where I might want to go, both in my life and with my research. Personal exploration gradually mixes in with my professional exploration, thankfully with boxes of Kleenex thoughtfully positioned in and around the circle of four chairs in his office. Sometimes a quizzical-looking stuffed bear or two occupies these chairs, to whom Gene will direct a question or a comment during our individual session, transposing the experience into a delightful group therapy of sorts. Between the puppet hanging from the ceiling, the bears in the chairs, the handy easel full of our lists and ideas––and my Einstein-looking therapist¬¬––we kick butt on my thesis and lay safe routes for the professional therapy that will soon follow.
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Paula Sullivan
When our middle daughter Linda was 14, life was difficult for all five of us. Gene was driving near Tulsa one afternoon. His dear friend Richard, wasn't home from teaching. Linda had just arrived from high school. Gene looked her in the eye and said, "Parents are hell to live with, aren't they." Linda and I laughed together for the first time in months. That evening at dinner, after Gene was on the road to Houston, Linda was talkative and pleasant. During dishes, our oldest daughter asked, "What happened to Linda?" She had received an oral Webbism. Richard and I loved him even more after that brief visit to our home.
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Patricia Eagle
Excerpt from a letter Gene wrote me when I was on a sabbatical year, 9/8/2000:
"Good to hear from you, and good to know you are having a wide range of activities that stir your soul into asking those simple but terrifying questions, like:
...what is that face in the mirror?
...is it me or the butterfly having this dream?
...socks or no socks?
Recently I've been re-reading "The Gospel of Thomas," one of the so-called apocraphal writings of the bible, which is a list of quotations billed as "the secret saying of Jesus." Scripture scholars date its writing as late 1st century! Number 3 of the sayings is: ..."the kingdom is within you, and it's outside of you." Isn't it interesting that the canonical gospel authors (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) edited out the second half of the quotation--the part that renders living a life of respect, acceptance, love, and forgiveness a hell of a lot harder? It's the public arena that's so tough. And it is the beauty and mystery and ever-instructing world around us that "Pilgrim at Tinker Creek" invites us to notice in all its detail. Dillard knows Jesus better than most." (I had shared this book by Annie Dillard, one of my favorite authors, with Gene, and as he said he would do, he read it cover to cover. He always did what he said he would do, and more.)
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Patricia Eagle
(another excerpt from my memoir (out June 2019) that Gene guided me toward and into until 2012, taken from a piece about a graduation dinner I held in 1999 for all those who had helped me in that journey)
As our dinner is coming to an end, Gene suddenly stands and announces he would like to read a poem: “Life While You Wait” by Wislawa Symborska. He reads like a theatrical pro, with expression and a twinkle in his eyes as he delivers lines that talk about life as “performance without rehearsal,” and how “I know nothing of the role I play. I only know it's mine. I can't exchange it.” So what to do but, “guess on the spot just what this play's all about” and “improvise, although I loathe improvisation.” And the poem ends with, “Oh no, there's no question, this must be the premiere. And whatever I do will become forever what I've done.”
I sit in awe of Wislawa’s words, and how Gene reads, and of how aptly the poem reflects my life. Well, Gene is my therapist after all, and he has certainly honed his perceptions of me. Gene leans over and gifts me with the book that he has inscribed with, “Patricia, On becoming a Master! May, 1999. Wislawa.”
I cast Gene a big, appreciative smile as the last line of the poem reverberates in my head: “And whatever I do will become forever what I’ve done.” Our work together as client and therapist has been monumental as I’ve completed my master’s studies, taught high school full time, navigated relationships after my second divorce five years prior, and slowly begun to look again at the abuse memories I had slammed back in the box. Sifting through those memories and trying to make sense and find meaning from them hasn’t gotten one bit easier. No wonder people continue to suppress abuse memories. Whether child, adolescent, teen, adult, or middle-ager, who can carry such stories openly and still function as a stable person in the world? I haven’t been able to do this. How can non-sequential memories––when considered from a distance of years, even decades––begin to make sense and offer meaning?
“And whatever I do will become forever what I’ve done.” I want what I do to last forever. I want to figure out what to do with my past and learn how to carry all of it forward in a healthy way, and hopefully without headaches that feel like they could kill me. I’m ready for the therapeutic work in the year to come that Gene and I will soon be doing together. He has patiently waited as I’ve completed my master’s, doing a little here and there around the sexual abuse, but mostly talking about my research, my intentions, my thesis, my efforts at balancing work and studies and life on top of the memories. I’m desperate to uncover integrity in my emotional life, something I haven’t been able to figure out how to do on my own.
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Judith Stark
Jennifer was in junior high and her father and I were throwing her a Halloween party at his house. It was a BIG bash. We decorated the yard, garage, and every room in the house. Many invitations were sent out and Jennifer was excited. As we stood back and admired our work, I noticed a white sheet of paper taped to Jennifer's bedroom door. Approaching it, I read, "MAKE OUT ROOM." "Oh no", I said, " This won't do!" I told Jennifer to take it down and she pleaded to keep it up. She said all of the popular kids had make out rooms at their parties and it really didn't mean anything. I realized I could see that door from the kitchen and the den, so I relented and decided it would be my job to watch that door all night long. The yard, house, and garage were filled with laughing teenagers in great costumes and everyone was having a good time. Several hours into the party, I noticed a couple going into the "MAKEOUT ROOM." I was uncomfortable, but I knew Gene would be coming inside and he could take care of it. At that time, a second couple went into the dark "MAKEOUT ROOM" and closed the door. Gene came through the back door and I told him about the two couples in the room. I expected an outraged father to go and handle the problem. Silently, he turned around and left through the back door. A moment later he ambled in with a hammer in his hand. As I held my breath, he approached the door, took it off the hinges, lifted it, and without a word carried the door to the garage. At that moment, Jennifer's father was a god in my eyes.
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Anne Storey Carty
In 2011, my husband, Paul had a triple by-pass. I had committed to an event at The Regis School. I asked Gene to sit with Paul at the skilled nursing center while Marty accompanied me to Regis. I asked Gene to take notes of anything unusual that transpired. Upon our return, I received a detailed report of everything. One line read: ”Nurse entered the room to give meds. Patient groaned!” Each detail was comically reported!
I noticed a sign by the side of his bed: “Beware! This patient is an angel in disguise, and has friends in high and low places!”
We saved this message and had Gene sign it shortly after. It remains a treasure!
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Jennifer Cowart
Me: Dad, I need a sign.
Pop: (snickering, bowing his head) I've sent so many signs. Haven't you seen the squirrels, the butterfly on your milkweed, the garter snake in your yard?
Me: But....but......
Pop: Haven't you seen how much love is in everyone's hearts, how the happy memories are being shared, and how friends are reconnecting?
Me: Yes, but......
Pop: I'm there when you mow, when you notice the sweat mixed with dirt and grass on your arms. I'm there when a tear falls down your face, when you taste the salt. I'm there with every sip of margarita you take. No matter what, I'm there.
Me: Keep reminding me. I love you Pop!
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Bryant Shaw
Gene Webb was dear to me even though I didn’t have the fortune of spending a lot of time with him. His wife Marty was my boss and mentor. He admired my quirkiness and sense of humor. When he closed his counseling practice and packed up his office, he saved the strangest and weirdest things he had for me. These included two pop-up books of nightmares and phobias and two action figures - Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud. These items are among my greatest treasures in my lifetime collection of beautiful and wondrous things. I am grateful to him for this endorsement of my character and personality and will share these things with others for as long as I live.
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Anne Storey Carty
On one of Marty and Gene's numerous visits to Cape Cod, we decided to go on a whale watch. Gene requested Dramamine, as he sometimes got seasick on a boat! The package I purchased had 4 pills in it. Gene took his, and Marty, Paul, and I decided to take one, even though we usually didn't get seasick. The trip was outstanding. On the way out, we saw a school of porpoises, and a Mama Humpback whale teaching her calf how to jump and flip over. A delight.
On the return, the water was so rough that everyone on board got sick except us, thanks to Gene and the Dramamine.
When I recounted this trip to him 2 days before he died, his eyes opened wide as though he was experiencing the ride again. Such a precious moment.
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Paul Carty
He knew the race would be long
In time, not miles.
So together with his trainer companion
They mapped and plotted a winner’s course,
A plan to meet each difficult stage,
Including wind, rain, and aching pain.
Over hill and dale, she urged him on,
Wiping his sweaty brow,
Running alongside with a lover’s glide
Every step of the way, in the race of his life,
She was the perfect running partner,
Making this race graceful all the way.
Tears and laughter, kisses and hugs
Boyed his every step,
Until he crossed the finish line.
The marathon man had won
All hail to this brave and winsome champ.
Who passed his ribbon to his winning partner,
Who wears it proudly this day, with pride and joy.
They will celebrate his victory
They will stand in the winner’s circle.
Family and friends will shout and applaud
This victory couple whose love runs on and on.
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Carrie Logan
In 2007 we were celebrating my birthday at Aunt Mary’s in Galveston. I was surrounded by my closest friends and family, well before there was a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or dementia in any of our lives. There was a point during the wonderful meal and the delightful camaraderie that Gene said, “It’s a tradition in our family to go around the table and have each guest say what wish they have for the birthday girl (or boy).” As we went around the table, all of the guests participated and we all learned a little more about each other. I recall my father mentioning he wished Jimmy and I would have a child together. (Who knew?!) It was a truly special time and it’s a “tradition” we still attempt to implement in our own family.
Sometime after that evening, I asked Gene about his own family’s tradition of sharing wishes, that I had never heard him mention it before. With his impish grin and playfully mischievous eyes, he said, “I just made that up.” We both broke out in laughter. That’s the Gene I knew. He had an uncanny ability to create magical moments out of his delightfully fun imagination.
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Marni Long
My first ever ski trip was to Winter Park, Colorado with the Webb family. I was completely covered, all you could see was my nose hahaha. Gene said I should take a lessons since I had never been skiing before. The first day I went to my lesson and thought to myself this is super fun and easy and all I have to do is wedge. So the next day the whole family goes skiing together, okay so getting on the lift no problem, getting off the lift, still everything is ok, then Gene said "Hey Marni, why don't you lead the family down the first slope". Ok I thought, here I go.....I am wedging....wedging.....wedging.....and then a complete and total wipe out. He said "Good job Marni!" hahaha We went on several other ski trips together and every year was better than the one before. I got to share a lot of firsts with Gene and the Webb family, I am eternally grateful.
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Richard Sullivan
Gene and I shared an apartment in Houston while attending St. Thomas University in 1965. We were both taking Fr. Lee's Shakespeare class and every Monday morning we had a quiz over the play we studied the past week. So every Sunday afternoon Gene and I would sit on the floor between our two beds and review the entire play page by page. That's when I got to know and appreciate who Gene Webb really was. He was a serious student with deep insights and a wonderful sense of humor. He mastered whatever he set his mind to and was forever seeing something humorous in even dull subject matter. We also had a pet alligator about a foot long that hung out in our apartment and devoured June bugs we would catch for him. He got out one day and headed for the swimming pool never to be seen again!
Gene was not just an excellent student and extremely witty but he was one of the most kind and humble persons I knew. He always saw the best in people. He always spoke the truth and that's what I liked most about my good friend, Gene. I'm sorry he did not live a longer life to share his goodness with more folks but he's in heaven now and I feel certain he is doing a lot of good for those of us still here. I love you, Gene. See you soon.
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Miriam Edelman
I’ve been reviewing the treasure house of memories of Gene. He opened a new chapter in my work as a therapist by offering me an office in his Yoakum suite (1974). I needed to go into private practice, but had nowhere to go. Then came Gene’s offer and WOW! What a true healer he was.
Besides sharing office space, we did some group workshops as a team. I always felt proud of being Gene’s colleague. We had different approaches and styles, which made us have a richer, fuller understanding of our clients and made them have more chances to benefit from the work. Gene was auditory, I, visual. He could understand people even if he looked at the floor. He could pick up every nuance of their emotional expressions and needs. I was constantly impressed.
I so enjoyed the mutual appreciation, respect and affection my husband Don and Gene had for one another. At one point, Gene decided that a science publication he subscribed to was not his cup of tea; he decided that Don would comprehend it more fully, so he gave it to him. How Gene knew this I don’t know, but he sure read Don correctly. Don ate it up.
Gene had a way of finding positive meaning in people and things. If he sat at a lunch counter, he felt that the server was nurturing and nourishing to him, and he felt grateful. A ticking clock was giving him a sound, a kind of gift - and he ate it up with pleasure. When business was slow in his practice, he’d have his guitar to make music with and not feel he was wasting time.
He just loved finding bargains and shopping carefully. A little birdie told me that Gene went to several stores to be sure he was emerging with a bargain. I still have some red cards and odd stationery from one of G’s shopping excursions, and I savor the memory of his shopping triumph.
I can’t express how much I valued Gene’s therapy with my l7-year-old daughter when she was assaulted at Rice. I thought of him immediately as the best person to call. Connie has such fond memories of him holding out his hand and saying, “Hi, I’m Gene Webb.” Right now I can feel the grief in my throat - and the deep sense of gratitude that follows as I appreciate knowing him. Connie feels joyful at the memory of all the ways Gene helped. He always had the right words. When she voiced her frustration at not finding the attacker, Gene said, "Oh well, I guess you'll never find him". That very day she spotted the guy on a bus, called the police and they arrested him. She felt that here again Gene had helped her. He was a powerful force for her and was an example of an inspiring, uplifting, strengthening man whom Connie could count on as a resource.
I’m eternally grateful for your arrival in his life, Marty. What a wonderful miracle that continues to be.
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Justin Fox
Here are four instances portraying the wit and wisdom of my brother-in-law, Gene Webb.
1. Two of the seven books he published ought to be best sellers merely by virtue of their catchy titles: "Lord, You've Got To Be Joking!" and "Men Are No Damn Good! (Pending Further Research)".
2. When I once questioned him about the high expense involved in the purchase of a particular item that was non-essential, but very enjoyable, Gene quipped: "Hey, it's just money!" Gene used this expression many times to put material goods in proper perspective.
3. One of the more memorable pranks pulled by Gene happened one of the many summers when he and Marty rented a beach house on Galveston Island and invited the Webb clan with its many grandkids. Gene bought lots of sand dollars from Murdoch's on the seawall. At dusk he secretly placed them all near the surf down a ways from the beach house. It was a tradition at Marty and Gene's house to end a meal or a visit with a walk around the block with flashlights. The same was true of all the beach house vacations. There was always a big box of flashlights, more than enough for one for everyone. That evening after dark, the family went for a walk on the beach at Gene's urging. Gene somehow managed feigning great surprise as the grandkids gleefully found their treasures in the sand! An older grandson who quickly caught on and was about to spoil the fun for the little ones was just as quickly made part of the secret.
4. Gene simply told me on more than one occasion, referring to Marty: "You have a wonderful sister!" I couldn't agree with him more. And I am happy that my sister found her soulmate with whom to share so many happy years.
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Marni Long
Eugene, as my dad, stood in for my deceased father on my wedding day and walked me down the aisle to my future. How can mere words express the magnitude of that moment in my life? Words are too weak to define my gratitude.
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Dick Bevelin
Gene was there for me during a very difficult time of life which included loss of my wife of 34 years to a rare cancer and the death of a grandchild to SIDS and more. Gene loved Aerospace. I worked in Aerospace many years. He was fascinated by my career and always asked questions about aerospace science and engineering. We became life long friends. He often compared me to Gene Kranz because of the person he saw in me. I so remember those notescards! One profound helpful statement to meditate on every time was so important to me to keep things in perspective. I remember with honor something that Gene told me. He said, "After meeting you I am not sure if I am the therapist or you?" God brought me my dear wife Laurie and we have been married over 11 years. Without this wonderful man's help that probably would not have happened. Gene and I were dear friends and with God's grace we will say howdy again in heaven.
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Kevin Rudolph
Gene and my Mom came to visit us when we lived in Colorado. We all loved hiking and went to a beautiful state park for an afternoon hike. There was snow on the ground and as we hiked down a hill, Gene had a great idea. His plan was to go back up the hill, get a running start and slide down the hill on his belly. It sounded like a fun idea - so we watched as he went back up the hill, sprinted downhill for a bit and then flew like Superman right in front of us. Although there was a minor problem - he didn't slide at all. Not even 6 inches! Just a thud and he came to an instant stop with his arms stretched out in front of him. When he caught his breath, which had been slightly knocked out of him, he uttered a typical Gene funny comment - something like "that didn't go as planned".
Gene taught us even when things don't go as planned, to always laugh and have fun.
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Kevin Rudolph
Gene and my Mom started dating while I was in college. Here is a funny story about one of the first times we spent time together: We were fishing at Lake Conroe when I hooked a huge Largemouth Bass. As I fought the fish, I directed Gene to get the net and then proceeded to give him very detailed instructions on how to land the fish when it got close to the boat. I knew he had "some" fishing experience, but I didn't know at the time he had probably caught and landed more fish than I would in my entire life. He calmly netted the fish, a 9 pound bass - to this day the largest bass I have caught, even after thousands of hours of bass fishing. We laughed about this story many times over the years - not only about my instructions to a master fisherman, but he admitted to being nervous about being "that guy" who let the big one get away!
Over the next nearly 30 years, Gene was my "net man in life" - always there to help when we needed it.
Rest In Peace my friend and catch some big fish upstairs!
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Sr. Mary Dennison, sc
My heart joins yours in sorrow over the death of Gene. He was a special person with a sense of humor many will remember. I am especially grateful for the years he taught those training to be spiritual directors--over 24--when I was director--and the insights he passed on, and for his life. Be sure that you and the family are remembered in our prayers and gratitude. We'll be celebrating his life also, as will you, and be looking forward to a reunion in eternity.
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Sue Hillard
“Learn to fly fish” was on my bucket list. Gene volunteered to teach me, unaware that I was not coordinated and had a very short attention span. Marty, Justin, Gene and I went to a flood bayou canal and Gene patiently explained how to cast. He untangled my line over and over and over again. After about 30 minutes of instruction, Gene gently suggested that we take a break, drink wine and enjoy the lovely picnic Marty had prepared! We did not return to the fly fishing lesson but I crossed it off my list thanks to Gene!
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Deacon Joe Griffith
So Gene is busy already letting us know he's fine and as always, concerned about family, friends and loved ones. Some folks who have gone before us I pray for. Some I pray to. Gene is one I'll pray to.
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Marty Webb
Christmas 2016: I told Gene that it was time to write our Christmas letter and asked if he had any ideas. He did! His thoughts included several promising possibilities upon which I might build, such as "the angels were there to learn", "in honor to start again", "the stuff that needs to be a child for us" and finally, "they'd like to get started celebrating".
What happened next though took my breath away. As we sat shoulder to shoulder on an upholstered bench, Gene got quiet and after a minute asked, "What's happening?" I asked if he meant to him, and he said yes. I told him that he was having difficulty remembering, like all of the people with whom he lives. I named it for him (Alzheimer's Disease), and told him it wasn't his fault. His whole face lit up in a grin and he said, "OH!", because of course, although he had heard this explanation thousands of times, that night was the first.
And then, right on the spot with no further prompting, Gene Webb composed our 2016 Christmas letter. He said, clearly and confidently, "They want to be seen the way they are and not the way they were." I believe he was talking about himself and his fellow residents. No need for denial or pretense, just perfect acceptance of this part of the journey, and wise advice for those who would care for them.
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Cindy Cadle
My condolences to you and your family. I have always enjoyed his garden and fondly remember visiting with him and picking up gardening tips while out walking my dogs. He’s already missed.
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Italia Catania
We saw his beautiful garden everyday and enjoyed his hard work. He was always sweeping and keeping his area immaculate. What a beautiful gift for us that lived across the street. Marty, what a wife should be to a lovely man. My condolences to you and the children. I pray for you during this difficult time. My love to you, Italia
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Kelly Herndon
So so sad to hear about Dr. Webb’s passing. May his spirit live on in the wildflowers. - From a fellow neighbor who very much appreciated taking pictures of our kids amongst your flourishing gardens.
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Denise Weinberg
Marty, I have felt very sad about Gene' s passing. I hope you are doing as well as you can. Grief is a long process. He was a very special person who used his great gifts of compassion and intelligence to heal many people in his time.
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Sue and Don Sexton
My husband and I are friends with Doug and Melissa from Congregation Beth Messiah. I am so sorry for the loss of your husband, Gene – please accept my sincere condolences. I am thankful you were at CBM this past weekend and I was honored to stand with you and give you a hug during Kaddish.
I snapped this sweet picture of Doug, you and Gene in 2013 at the CBM Purim party. That was the only time I met the two of you and I am sorry to say it was so brief. From all the loving remarks, memories and stories on the website, Gene must have been an extraordinary man.
My dad had Alzheimer’s Disease so I know firsthand the “long goodbye”. Bless your heart as you mourn.
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Angela Eaton
Gene was my therapist in 2006 and beyond. I saw him for the first time on 2/15/2006. On 2/16/2006 I took my last drink.
He helped me with my recovery journey, and my dedication to AA.
Humor, wisdom, generosity, grace, kindness... there are not enough adjectives to describe this man.
He is the best, most authentic therapist I have ever had.
I would tell him I liked something in his office, and he would offer to give it to me! "No Gene, you treasure that!"
Index cards... they covered my huge mirror. I doubt I ever left a session with less than 3!
We are all lucky to have had him in our lives.
The angels are lucky to have him!
I am so sorry for your loss!
I am grateful to have had my dose of this wonderful man!
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WC Langdon
Living directly across the street and driveway from Gene's always beautiful yard and flower beds was a constant challenge to keep up our yard's appearances. And it still is, because what Gene worked to cultivate is still maintained impeccably by Marty. But he always said he had to work harder to keep up with our yard. (Far from it).
Gene was tireless, he could work all day in the yard, in the middle of the summer, every day. Not sure how he did that. It must have been whatever he had in that glass. But he wouldn't tell me what it was.
During 31 years of yard visits, the discussions about all things life were always fun and funny, never serious.
One year he had grown some magnificent white roses on the brick wall trellises next to the driveway gate. My young son at the time though it would be a great idea to go pick most of them at the peak of their blooming. Gene figured out pretty quickly who did it and came and told us. But instead of getting mad about it, he immediately replaced the picked roses with very realistic and almost identical artificial roses. This was a great joke on my son who couldn't figure it out for a while.
I miss the discussions in the yard with Gene. But I'm sure he's gardening again by now.
WC Langdon
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Margarita Ramos
I am very sorry for your loss. My family and I send you all our deepest condolences. Gene sounds like he was an amazing man (to quote Edward,"he would have to be to be married to an awesome lady like Dr. Webb.") and I'm sorry that I never got a chance to meet him. No words can describe how grateful I am that you two decided to open the Monarch School all those years ago.You have had such an impact on Edward's life and I have no doubt that all of his future successes will stand as a testament to the vision you two shared with the world of changing lives from the inside out.
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Bill Thurston
Around 1955 Eugene was our assistant scout master for our boy scout troop at St Joseph's Church in Port Arthur. He was an avid snake collector and educated us about snakes. We were all about 10 years old and we all looked up to Eugene.
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Marty Webb
Gene was delightfully romantic. When we married on November 23, 1991, Gene was 51 and I was 49. Knowing that we would never celebrate a Golden Anniversary, Gene decided to celebrate the 23rd of every month. Without fail, on the 23rd of every month until we retired in July 2012, a single stemmed rose was delivered to me at work. A romantic to the end, it touched my heart to realize shortly after he died last Monday that it was on......of course, the 23rd of the month. After hearing that story that afternoon, our daughter Melissa Webb left the room, returning some time later with the biggest vase of red roses I've ever seen. She realized after she got them in the car that a few were wilting, and was going to take those out and, just for fun, see if there were 23 left. I asked her to leave them all in, because Gene loved all of us, during our wilted (bumbling) times or when we were at our best.
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Gary Gist
I was sad to hear of Gene's passing but grateful he knew Jesus & lives on in heaven!! I sought Gene's guidance & advice years ago (25+ yrs) when I was a "confused" single adult in Houston. I can't even remember how I initially found Gene but he was a blessing to me & I grew to cherish our talks. Gene helped me when I needed it & I'll forever be grateful! I look forward to seeing him again one day... I think he'd be proud of how I turned out!!
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justin fox
About 6 years ago, several years after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's, Gene and Marty and my wife Scharlene and I attended the Texas Livestock and Rodeo Show. Upon parking our car in the Reliant Center lot, we all walked together to the ticket booth to purchase our tickets. Being the frugal guy I am, I initially inquired of the ticket lady if we all could qualify for a senior discount, to which she replied, "Nope." She also followed that with a couple of more "nopes" to my additional requests to give us AARP and AAA discounts. Finally, Gene interjected by announcing to her with a wry smile: "Well, I have Alzheimer's. So how about at least an Alzheimer's discount for me?" Her final "nope" brought a big chuckle out of Gene, as well as the rest of us. We were just beginning to observe the valiant fight with which Gene would confront Alzheimer's --with as much humor, grace and peaceful resignation as humanly possible. Gene indeed fought the good fight. Now Gene resides among the immortals, awaiting us to join him one day! He always said that one day would occur "in the blink of an eye".
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Bill Fisher
A long time Texas tradition is to take a drive in the Spring to enjoy the incredible beauty of the bluebonnets that blanket the hillsides. Some 30 years ago, Denice and I decided to throw a party every year during the peak of bluebonnet season and invite our friends for BBQ & beer after the drive from Houston. One year we had a band and to our delight, several couples decided to take to the floor(gravel driveway) to dance! And who was leading the crowd? None other than Gene Webb and his lovely bride Marty! What a touchy moment. Unfortunately I didn't get an action shot but I did manage to get a shot of the couple with a full plate of BBQ just after completing the serenade on the country. We'll miss you Gene...
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Justin Fox
Not long after Marty met Gene, they spent a spring Saturday at a nearby state park where Marty got in a long distance training run. As they were relaxing in the campsite later, Marty observed a beautiful snake coiled up next to a large rock. In reply to her question of what kind of snake that was, Gene, who was a snake lover and easily could identify any Texas snake, casually replied that it was a Carl snake and gently and carefully prodded it with a stick and it went off into the bushes. Puzzled because she'd never heard of a Carl snake, Marty gradually realized that her honey, who rarely had an East Texas accent, had identified a Coral snake. "Did you say "Coral snake"?, she asked. Yes, he replied, a "Carl snake". Oh, the fun of a Yankee girl first trying to decipher the Texas drawl of her new boyfriend!
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Albert Einstein
The important thing is to never stop questioning.
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Beverly Mattern
I feel so blessed to have known Gene. By his example, I got to witness someone who lived in the present moment and made everyone feel important! To see the love he had for Marty and their incredible marriage partnership. His love of family & friends. His wonderful sense of humor and wisdom. How he touched so many people and made their lives better for it. And his love and support alongside Marty for The Monarch School. I think God already has said "Well done, Gene Webb, well done!"
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Beverly Mattern
Believe it or not, my visits there felt joyful. For even though Gene lost verbal communication, he still laughed, enjoyed music, hummed along and there was always such a gentle, kind, loving spirit deep within him. I felt like he was teaching me GRACE in the face of adversity.
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Beverly Mattern
#5: MONARCH SCHOOL BREAKFAST FRIEND AND FUNDRAISERS: John and I always looked forward to these events, learning about special need families searching for a place that would give them Hope for their children to succeed in life. Stories of how they found the Monarch School, the sacrifices they made (even moving across the US) and seeing their child flourish in such a uniquely suited environment. Hearing the children speak of their struggles and then of their victories, I always had to have
the box of Kleenex next to me! And there was Gene, Marty's greatest supporter and advocate, ever present. To witness what Marty & Gene did together to establish The Monarch School has been amazing!
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Beverly Mattern
#4 MARTY & GENE’S 10th ANNIVERSARY PARTY Oh, how Gene loved Marty and his family and friends. I think this was the first time I got to meet Marty and to witness the love and devotion he had for her. Watching them on the dance floor surrounded by family and friends was such a joyous occasion. Just witnessing this dynamic duo who were launching the Monarch School with all the support of family and friends made the celebration even more special and memorable!
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Beverly Mattern
Many years later, John and I went out for a fun evening of music with Marty & Gene at the Mucky Duck, one of their favorite venues. Even though Gene was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, I loved seeing how much he enjoyed the music. Marty was holding Gene’s one hand and I was holding the other as we tapped our hands to the beat of the music. The band even played a song about where I grew up--Pasadena, called "Get down Dena". What a great evening of fun with two very special people!
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Beverly Mattern
#2 WEBB WAS SO COY! On my first counseling session with Webb, I found him walking around his office and I was wondering when is he going to sit down and talk with me? I think he was sizing me up to see if I would finally speak up for myself. When I did, out of frustration, I saw a smile come across his face like a "gotcha" moment. Then, later in the session came the real zingers written on his note cards. OMG is that what is going on, I thought!? He always knew how to get to and illuminate the core issues and I would leave the session having laughed through my tears!
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Beverly Mattern
My husband, John & I were flying home from a trip and sat next to a young Catholic priest. We became good friends, and when one of my best friends was needing a counselor, he suggested Gene Webb. After listening to her talk about his advice and his comments on his notecards (Webbisms), I was in awe of his insight & wisdom. So, when I really needed help, I called her to get his number. What a lucky set of coincidences that brought me to Webb!
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Doug Webb
Dad...he was and is, Dad. He would take my sister and me live snake catching as kids. Awesome.
We'd sit and watch TV and eat Bluebell on Fri nites. He got better at compromise after he was about 40. He LOVED sports....
No, he didnt. :) He was a man who got better and better as he and we went along. He wasn't a pastor, but guided with love. He didn't have a church, but there were many sheep tended. Most fared well. A raising of the glass, and a steep tip of the hat to you, great sir. At the end of the day, his son is very proud.
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Micah Webb
If you asked me to think of a time where he wasn’t amazing I couldn’t find one. Always sharing wisdom and stories. Never forget when he told me if I touched his garden he’d cut my fingers off with clippers. Love and miss you, Granddaddy.
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Karen Oosterhout Kinard
Eugene was my classmate all the way through school. Attached is our third grade class picture from Franklin Elementary School.Eugene is 5th from right next to my twin sister, behind Stephen Feldman, the student in the striped shirt. Ms Moore was our 3rd grade teacher. My twin, Kaye had a childhood crush on Eugene and our family always teased her about her first “love”. Franklin students maintained a close bond all thru school.
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Justin Fox
About 30 years ago my sister, Marty, announced to me that she was dating a guy named Gene Webb. Being an FBI Special Agent at the time, that name rang a bell with me (as well as with Marty's son, Kevin, who was a Criminal Justice major at Sam Houston State, and later-to-be FBI Special Agent himself), for we both realized that one of the FBI's Ten Most Wanted persons at that time was Donald Eugene Webb, a notorious cop killer whose physical description fairly closely resembled Marty's Eugene Webb. Not wanting to alarm Marty too much, we both made discreet inquiries to Marty about Gene's date of birth, distinguishing scars, and alleged background. Only after we thoroughly vetted Marty's new friend and compared his photo to Donald Eugene Webb's mugshot did we finally with relief inform Marty that she was not dating a cop killer!
Throughout the years that I been blessed to be around Gene Webb, I have come to know and love him just as so many of his friends and associates have. One of Gene's most outstanding traits was his sense of humor. He especially endeared himself to me by always laughing at my many puns - even the weak ones. Such "pun-ishment" we inflict on our dear friends! He had a keen and wry wit. And he was not beyond a good-natured practical joke. Once at one of Marty's high school reunions in Trenton, Michigan, he donned a Trenton High School t-shirt and spent the whole reunion evening chatting with Marty's classmates, pretending that he graduated with them. When asked what he did for a living, he claimed to be a plumber. Some people even remembered him as having sat behind them in history class - which was quite a trick for a fellow who graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School in Port Arthur, Texas, where Janis Joplin also went to school! Another prank of sorts pulled by Gene years ago before he became an accomplished gardener was to intersperse beautiful plastic white roses among his dormant climbing rose bushes in the wintertime in his yard at their Sun Valley home - and then acknowledge compliments from unsuspecting admirers who walked by to laud him on his green thumb! He also was well known to present somebody with the gift of a book and forge the author's signature on the first blank page with a flowery message, allegedly written by the author, to the book's recipient.
Gene loved the outdoors, especially camping and fishing. My wife Scharlene, daughter Jessica, and I had the pleasure of accompanying Gene and Marty on some of these adventures, including those in Minnesota and Ontario, Canada. Once Gene presented Jessica with an elaborate hand-made certificate for having caught the smallest fish on one of these trips - which delighted our then 9-year-old daughter!
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Jennifer Webb Cowart
I was turning 16 and Pop gave me permission to have a big party. We made flyers and had a celebration, a toga party, in a hotel ballroom. I invited a ton of friends. When the big day came we had fun, but I was disappointed at the attendance of my friends. I was sad and Dad invited me onto the dance floor for a Daddy Daughter dance. The music started and Pop began to glide me across the room, giving me a smirk, making me smile. As the song ended, my father concluded our moment with a beautiful low, orchestrated dip which ended with me laying me on the dance floor. THEN, he walked off, literally leaving me there. It was HILARIOUS, we laughed, and it was one of the many times my Hero saved my soul and saved the day! After the party was over and we came home, Pop stopped me in the kitchen. He said he had one more little suprise. I was presented with a black, velvet box containing a lot of love and some special earrings. Nothing else in the world mattered except for those memories and the huge hug we shared before bedtime. I love you Pop!
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Kate, Andy and Dave Matthiesen
We want you to know that we are thinking of you and your family as Gene's long journey has come to an end. The honesty, strength and grace that Gene and you showed as you faced such a devastating diagnosis has been a true inspiration. I know it has been a long struggle for you both, and hope knowing he is at rest is some comfort to you But I also know the very deep devotion and love you shared, and can't imagine the depth of the hole that must be in your heart.
Gene was a very special person. Just one of the world's truly gentle souls. I will never forget his Monarch commencement speech wherein he
reminded me that my children created me as much as we created them. It was a profound revelation for me and struck my heart. We will never forget him and will be forever grateful for the vision that you and he shared that created the space that saved Kate's life and filled her soul with beautiful art. We will be holding you and your family in our hearts in the days and weeks to come.
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John Barone
Eugene is an absolute rock star! Looking forward to celebrating his amazing life! Love to you, Marty!
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Jason Page
I was in my late 20's when I discovered a handwritten letter, addressed to me, from Eugene. By then, I had left the rather broken home I had grown up in, but done pretty well for myself. This letter, however, spoke to known and unknown scars that I had carried along the way.
See, Eugene didn't really know me in my 20's... but rather, he had penned this letter before I was born, when he found out that my parents were pregnant with me. With his trademark "comical-and-yet-still-perceptive-Eugene-Wit", his letter addressed me as if I was a little alien coming to earth. He "warned" me, the alien, of how shocking this world of broken people can be. As well as how beautiful a life he hoped for me. And how the love of parents can often be just as binary. And with all the perception of a time traveler, Eugene spoke to scars that I had 20+ years before I had them.
It's not often that someone of my generation even holds a handwritten letter. Much less often would said youngster feel the depressions of the pen on the paper, and physically sense the love in the hands that made them.
Our interactions through the years were much less than should have been, Eugene. But your love was felt and appreciated all the same.
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Joyce Galiette
I was honored to walk part of your journey with Gene at the end of his life. You/he fought the Alzheimer monster with fortitude and grace. Your vision and confidence on how to travel this road was remarkable. Gene is whole now and looking down on you and your family with love.
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Rajesh David
Your love feels like trumpets sound.
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Bobby Depper
Oh my sister, my heart goes out to you, but do celebrate the times and the life that he lived and know that you will be reunited with him. We will all be in the kingdom of God dancing and rejoicing and feasting and you know to be honest it's not too far away.
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Adam Farris
Such a wonderful man. He will be greatly missed. I really like the picture you used for Mr. Webb's eulogy. He will live on forever in each and every one of us.
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Cyrus Pacht
I'm so sorry to hear! What an amazing life.
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David Callomon
An amazing man and am amazing life. He will be celebrated.
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Elizabeth Villareal
Marty, I am so sorry for your loss, and grateful that you and Gene had such an amazing, never ending kind of love.
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Mary Jane Sanchez
What a wonderful man! God bless him, you, the family and all those who were touched by him. Another angel in heaven.
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Eduardo de Teago
I'm so sorry for your loss, Dr. Webb. I enjoyed all of the postive and upbeat posts of your hubby and yourself. May he rest eternally in paradise.
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Gilly Thibeault Carter
He is my spiritual animal....beautifully written and the picture speaks a thousand words.
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Starr Nicol
Love the picture of him. It's so his character: an awesome man!
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Irene Duvo
Love this picture. I met you and Gene at a Faithful Paws visit three years ago and was always glad for the couple hours getting to know you two. R.I.P. Gene
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Nosa Edebor
Thank you so much for showing the depth of love. It is inspiring and I hope to be able to honor my family like you both have.
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Barbara Coleman
Your dad was a true child of God and a very awesome man who did more than most people even think about.
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Tara Coker Devine
That picture! What a spirit among us--even now! Love to you and the whole family.
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Elisa Robins Pacht
Marty, I'm so sorry for your loss. What a love story!
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Stephanie Wild Wheatley
Such a beautiful tribute. What a gift you have been to each other, knowing each other inside out. God bless.
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Farrah Severs-Young
This has to be the most beautiful tribute I've ever read. My prayers go out to all who loved Gene. He was a wonderful man and I feel very honored to have known him.
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Dorothy Daldry
Praying for you all as you come to terms with this parting. Such an inspirational life and his influence will be felt long into the future.
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Marni Long
Sometimes I cannot find the words to express how I feel inside. You seemed to find the perfect words here. Much love 2 U.
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Lou Gonzalez
Absolutely beautiful. I never met him, but I know he's left a mark upon everyone he has met and on everyone who knows you and your sharing of his life with us. Thank you for doing so. You and your family are in my prayers for all the strength and peace during this time. What a wonderful life he lived and loved.
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Molly Miller
My family sends our condolences to your family, Marty Webb. I enjoyed seeing you and your husband at Monarch's functions. It reminded me of my grandparents in every way.
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Celise Schneider Richrode
Marty Webb, you've taught me so much about love.
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Angelica DeLeon Halphen
So sorry to hear. You're in my prayers. My father is also dealing with Alzheimer's. It is a very difficult thing with someone you love.
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Marina E. Cernoch
Such a Lovely life; a wonderful role model and blessing to so many. Love and prayers for you and all. Our sincere condolences.
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Noemi Aznar
Dear Marty, this is so beautiful and genuinely reflects your love and respect for each other and a true celebration of Gene's life. All my best wishes for continued love and peace in your beloved family.
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Stephanie Honore Eaddy
What Chris Lyttleton said. And to add to that the love between you was pure magic. I hope to have a lifetime of love just as meaningful. May you find comfort in your many adventures and memories for years to come.
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Carey Nelson Handley
This is the most amazing tribute to an individual that I have ever read. We should all take a lesson from the Gene Webb playbook and live life to it's fullest, cherishing those who play important roles in our lives. Marty, all the Handleys send support and love as we know the days ahead will be lacking in the companionship and affection of Gene. Wishing you strength in your memories. We love you.
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Stefanie Favorito Miculob
You both and your family are always inspirations to me. I pray your family finds solace in always remember all your beautiful personal and family memories. Thinking and paying for you and your family always. You and your family are amazing with all of this, especially you. I always loved you guys lived so close to where I grew up. Know that along with Mrs. Brelsford and Mrs. Bush, your husband is in great company :)
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Donna Seal Selke
A wonderful tribute to him, and your love together.
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Palmira Testa
Such a beautiful tribute, my sweet friend. It was a privilege to have known him and enjoyed his laughts. Prayers and hugs to you and your family. We love you! Sorry for your loss.
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Jessica Stoner
Beautiful tribute! I wish I'd had the pleasure of knowing Gene. He sounds like an incredible soul. I'm sorry for your loss, Marty and family.
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Ted Isensee
Wow, what a eulogy. So well written....and indicative of the loss his loved ones must feel. yet to have known him, one must be very grateful.
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Gael Thompson
What a beautiful and amazing tribute to a truly special person. We are blessed in knowing you and honored to witness your life together. Love and peace to you in missing his physical presence.
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Josefina Hernandez Catania
Marty, what a beautiful tribute to Gene. My thoughts are with you. May God bless you and lift you during this time of sadness.
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Heather Poinsett-Dunbar
This is such a beautiful tribute to a beautiful human. Love and light to you and your family.
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MKaren Black
Prayers for you and the family. How blessed to have been a part of this wonderful, loving being. Hugs.
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Mary Ramirez
Marty, there are no words....only to say what a blessing you and Gene have been to so many. Joe and I love you both dearly. We will miss him but surely his spirit is alive and well in you and all those he loved.
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Faithful Paws
Love lives on forever in the memories and in the hearts of all whose lives have been touched by this special man. Please know that your Faithful Paws Family is thinking of you now and always.
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Wendy Richards
My heart is with you and your family. What a legacy your Gene has created. I stand in awe of you both. All my love!
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Alison Marshall
I will always remember meeting Gene and feeling the warmth he shared with others. He surely felt your love during these last years. Sending love to you now and always.
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Nathan Rose
Gene was the kindest and most gentle man I know. He seemed to exude peace and calm wherever he went. I'm better off for knowing him. Thanks for sharing him with us all these years.
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Kipp Baxter
Gene was a light in this world. He will be missed.
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Julia Xenakis
The last time I saw Gene, he was talking to Melanie's daughter, Sage, who was an infant. She was fussing, others were comforting her, and Gene leaned over and whispered, "Scream it out!". All my love to you.
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Colleen Russo
As you know, you and Gene are my heroes! Your expressions of love, your relationship were a model for others always. Gene will be missed, his words of wisdom will live in my life forever. Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you. Love you!
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Glenda, Scott, Ryan and Adam Dole
We feel blessed to have known Gene and to have experienced his wit, charm and words of wisdom. He was such an awesome man and will be remembered. We are sorry for your loss and are in awe of your devotion and love for Gene. We love you and will keep you and your family in our prayers.
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Jennikate Estavillo
Dearest Marty,
I am sitting in my office looking around at my team, my students, this school, with tears flowing freely down my face, but smiling in the inside too. I am so moved by this news and by the realisation of how important you and Gene are to me, to my life plan, to many children and families across the world, that although my heart is hurting I am comforted in knowing that I was blessed to have met him even for a short while.
We all knew that this morning was coming, and I know that we had time to prepare, but I know how much you love Gene and so I send you all of my love to help you through this difficult time. Everything Gene said and did stays with us … all of us … YOU, his children, his family, his friends, his pets, his colleagues… the whole planet!
I hope to make him proud of the work I am doing… he once stopped me mid sentence and said “I think we should take some time to reflect upon how brave you are”… I can not tell you how much that recognition meant to me. I too loved him dearly for “seeing” me …
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Brenda Chan
I am saddened to hear of Gene’s passing. I know he is whole and in His arms. I met Gene only within the past couple of years and I could tell he is a very special guy. Hugs to you and know that you have the Faithful Paws family here to support you.
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Caroline Burgess Arnold
Truly a remarkable person!! I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for you both. You both showed me understanding & compassion during my struggles with school & socialization and helped me overcome some major issues I had, some of them I continue to have and always revert back to the methods you taught me. You both did an incredible job with The Monarch School and am so proud of what it has become today! Truly an amazing journey! I have never stopped thinking of you and you will always hold a spot in my heart. RIP Gene. You will be truly missed by many, including me. I love you Marty Webb and thank you for every thing!!
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Joann Kaalaas-Sittig
What a wonderful tribute Marty. The two of you are a lesson on how to approach loss with dignity, grace and gratitude.
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Bridgett Tims Pracht
I love this picture and such a fabulous tribute to one of the best people I’ve ever had the pleasure to know! Such an inspiration to us all - thank you Gene for showing us all how it should be done - you will be missed.
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Alessandra Zamora
My deepest respect and love to you, Gene and beautiful family. Thank you for giving us the gift of your teachings for life and after life.
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Gabrielle Seekley
Gene Webb was a wonderful teacher. His teachings are still part of my professional practices today. Prayers for you and your family for strength, peace and courage in the days ahead.
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Martha Newton
Love you, Marty. I'm so sorry to hear this. And while I know it is incredibly difficult, you have shown such strength and love and compassion and every good word I can think of. I admire you so much. I loved everything you have written in documenting your family's journey and today. I wish I could have met your wonderful husband, Gene as he seemed to be quite a special person to everyone he knew. My love and prayers are with you and your family.
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Chris Lyttleton
I'm so sorry for your loss. I have watched for sometime the stories and images you have posted throughout the years. There was never any doubt how he was loved and that he will be missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Im sorry for your loss. This world was a better place with him in it. We love you
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Aleta Patrick
Much love for you Marty and your precious family. As I watched a Monarch butterfly land on my lone bluebonnet in my family's yard I thought of Gene with love and was filled with gratitude for the seeds he planted in so many!
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Eric Garland
Marty, you and Gene have offered us a master class in living life and dying well. You have helped to fill the silence—and eliminate so many of the euphemisms—that stigmatized those who are living with disease. You have embraced death as the natural conclusion of this life and in doing so have given us a model to follow. I am still learning from you, four decades later. Thanks and so much love from me and the Garlands.
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Jonelle Grichuk
What a sweet and wonderful man. Sending lots of prayers to you and your big, beautiful family!
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Meg Condara Lancaster
Marty - sending my love and high respect - prayers and comfort to your whole family!
FYI I was at your wedding! Love you guys! Such role models for this thing called Life!
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Michelle Barber Naccarato
Gene lived a life well-lived. I only had the pleasure of meeting Gene once, but his smile and warm welcome made me feel like I was saying hello to a friend. Your shared journey with Gene is
A lesson in love of life, family and friends. Thank you fir sharing. My thoughts are with you.
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Gary K. Dean
Big hugs to the family! I have not seen you or Doug in years! Hope to see you all in June.
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Ruth Rodriguez Oliver
Prayers your way. I was blessed to have your husband in my life for several years and I know he was an angel on earth. I still have many colorful index cards with his priceless words. Love....
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Ann Rial Smith
So beautifully said Marty! And what a perfect tribute to Gene... a bon voyage party! You captured every aspect of the amazing man he was to all of us! Thx for sharing the journey and the joy with us! Love you to the moon and back sweet friend!
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Amy Bradley
What a life and what an inspiring man. We all send so much love to you, your children and their families and pray for your strength as you move through this strange “transition” of life without him. I’m going outside right now.
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Evan Joyce
Hi Dr. Webb, I know it has been a while but I want to share my condolences with regards to the passing of your husband. I know I really didn't know him personally but I can only imagine how his absense can create a whole new hill to climb in life. I am so blessed to have been givin the oppuntunity of self discovery and understanding though yalls creation of, The Monarch school. You chose a good team. Sending love an positivity your way.
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Becky Cook Brenham
Sweet Marty, I'd be there if I weren't battling pneumonia right now. But, I send healing hugs and all the love to you and your family during this sad, but grateful time for your Gene.
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Debra Binkley
Marty, I am so very sorry for your loss. I pray for your comfort and peace during this very difficult time. I love the idea of celebrating his life! It is exactly "Gene" to want it that way.
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Vicki Fourie
I am so terribly sorry. What a wonderful man. We can only dream to leave an imprint as large as he did in this life. I'm happy he doesn't have to suffer any more. Much love to you and your family.
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Reid Juul
The world lost an amazing man, but his message and energy will forever inspire. Love and Peace to you and your family,
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Susie Croes-Barone
What a wonderful tribute for an amazing man! We celebrate his life and are truly blessed to have called him our friend.
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Merideth Melville
what a lovely tribute to Gene! We should all be so "lucky" to have someone we love celebrate us with such loving and thoughtful sentiments. Always remember our "opposum" conversations - thrilled to have a "possum lover" to talk to (& like me, never referring to them as "having a face that only a mother could love"). RIP Gene and love and prayers to you & your family as you struggle with the loss of someone was special
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Janet Luce Carrigan
my heartfelt condolences for the loss of your beloved Gene. Whatta guy he was. And what a couple yall made. May His blessings and grace envelope you and your entire family with love and absolute conviction that there is Life. Ever. After.
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Fran Brown
Marty, the glow you had the day we watched you marry Gene never dimmed! Thank you both for the examples of love, humor, commitment and grace. Much love to you.
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Phil Nathans
Marty - The dignity that you and Gene showed the world during such a difficult time has been a true inspiration to all who know you. I have been blessed to watch and learn.
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Cornelius James
Never met Gene personally,but felt I knew him via Marty.Your
Tribute reads as a beautiful love story between husband and wife,family,friends,and nature.You and Gene have shown me what this journey of life is all about. Regards to your Family
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Cay Taylor
So many songs in my heart for you and your Gene, dear Marty.
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Elena Maslia Marks
Dear Marty,
You and Gene exemplified living a good, just, and faithful life. Your devotion to each other, up to the end, was remarkable. May you find peace
Much love,
Elena and Kenny
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Kelley Fontenot Twardowski
Oh Marty....I so admire the love you and Gene share with each other. I speak in the present tense because I know that love has not ended. Thank y’all for being such a powerful witness to true love in this world. Y’all are beautiful. I am lucky you both came into my life.
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David McMillian
I met Gene many years ago, he was a great man and put a smile on my face and everyone who knew him!! I’m so sorry to hear that he has passed. But know he is in a better place. I send my love and condolences to you and your family.
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Janie Squier
You may speak of the greatness of a man, and mention the many things that make him so. Gene has them all. Every. Single. One. And they became even more luminous at the very moment you said "Yes!" Thank you both. For all of it.
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Mario Rodriquez
To my old Principal. After all the trouble I caused at Corpus who would have thought we would be in touch as adults...lol. But more than any other FB life I follow, the love between you two I enjoyed getting a glimpse of second to none. Rather than feeling sorry for your loss, I am envious of the love within your heart. May that love and Gene's memories give you strength to smile each time you feel you no longer can. I will always cherish my visit with him. My sister told me he was a great man and she was right.
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Patrick Waters
Marty, you and Gene's wonderful journey has shone a light on so many of our footsteps. Thank you for lighting that path.
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Joe and Cindy Robey
Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Vibrant, loving, funny, reflective. So many adjectives to pick from that only begin to describe such a wonderful man who had such a powerful, positive, and thank God, lasting impact on so many lives. You and Webb got me through some of the most difficult times of one’s life. I’m sure others feel the same. I cannot thank you enough for that. Now...
Treasure the memories of your days together in the sun,
Know he will be remembered fondly by everyone.
For he brought joy and smiles and saw so many of us through the trials of life
He looks down on us now with a wink and a smile that will for all those fortunate enough to have known him forever beguile
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Rose Davis
He will now Rest In Peace. Sending you my love through prayers to surround and comfort you.
What an incredible love story you two have. A love story for the ages.
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Stefan Boyer
He was such a sweet man that I will always admire. You’re marriage was incredible and I enjoyed getting to know you both and will continue to look up to you. Prayers for all if you.
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Janet Ireland
Cheers to an amazing life. I am so fortunate to have had his counsel and wisdom. Thank you Marty for a beautiful tribute to your husband and friend. Never better role models for living life --I love you both!! It's hard to find enough words....
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Mary Watson
No words, Marty. I know how close you were. But the memories...I remember fondly, the dinner party in Galveston as he orchestrated our sharing of innermost feelings.
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Dayna Baxter
All of my love to you and your family. I know it has been a long road. I can hardly imagine all that you have experienced along the way. I loved reading the tribute and learning so much about his life. I hope that you all are at peace, as he surely is. XO.
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Stelena Hooper Evans
Gosh! This is the best & most informative, memorable love story of the life of a loved one I have ever read! What a life! What a man! What a profound being whom God carefully made & that being lived his purpose on earth. Gene has truly left his mark & legacy for his family, friends, patients, community, etc.
Unfortunately Marty, I only knew Gene because of our relationship & commonality of us loving with our loved ones navigating through the life of Alzheimer's. I thank God for saving us & blessing us with caring day centers, Amazing Place & Sheltering Arms. I cherish our Troopers group for holding us together for support. Thank God for your love & life with Gene. Peace, my friend. Stelena
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Marty Webb
I don't believe it is a coincidence that Carolyn Brelsford and my Gene died a day apart, he on Monday and she on Tuesday. She saw Gene's and my relationship develop from the earliest days at CCS and supported us all the way. They were buddies at Sheltering Arms until he left in July 2016 to be part of the Silverado Sugarland community. I never saw her at Sheltering Arms that she didn't LIGHT up when I greeted her, and laugh when I introduced her as the best teacher I ever knew. Carolyn and I taught preschool together at BUMC School for Litltle Children and she was the first teacher I hired at Corpus Christi School when I became principal in 1980. She adapted to meet the needs of each learner in such an individualized way, whether in third grade or teaching middle school math. I have many letters she wrote me, expressing her love and appreciation, or worrying about whether she was up to whatever new challenge I'd asked her to take, in addition to many letters as she explored her maturing spirituality. Carolyn was wise and loving and intuitive and never met a child she didn't love. She saw the good in everyone. She remembered so much about every child she ever taught, and had a piece of work, an essay or a drawing or a poem that child had created. I am so honored to call her colleague but most of all, my precious friend. I absolutely know that she and Gene have found each other and are loving all of us in the most profound way right this second.
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Richard Ramon
Oh Marty, I'm filled with sadness for you and your family. Very early in my career as a Social Worker, I modeled after him, and what be believed. He was a marvelous therapist. I'm so happy that you met each other and had such a fulfilling life together to the very end. I send prayers and love.
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pam nelson
We don't know Monarch school but was so touched by the beautiful life tribute we just had to say Hurrah!!
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Beverly Svoboda
What a remarkable man! What a well lived life! You are missed, dear Gene.
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